Saturday, March 30, 2013


私は話すのが大好きですから、たくさん友達がいます。今日、新しいプロジェクトをはじめます。ー週間に一度ぐらい友達をしゅざいします(I will interview a friend). 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kodo in Princeton

今晩、マッカター(McCarter Theater)でKodo鼓童)を見ました. Kodoは日本のたいこグループです。たいこは日本のドラムです。Kodoはとてもゆうめいで、すばらしいのグループです。Kodoのメンーバはつよいです。Kodoのメンーバはとてもれんしゅうしているとおもいます。

Thursday, March 21, 2013



 たくさんはくぶつかんに行きました。とこに、フリダ。カーロ(Frida Kahlo)のびじゅつかんが好きでした。とてもおもしろくて、すばらしかったでした。私たちは日のピラミドに行きました。とくべつなましょうです。みなさん、メキシコにいったことがありますか。

Friday, March 15, 2013

春休み (Katakana Literary Work Appreciation)


* わがや(我が家) =my home

PE Reflexion Reflection of 1st Half & Goal for 2nd Half

Time flies. Six weeks ago I was starting this outstanding Japanese language course. I knew it would be difficult, but I couldn't imagine how tough it would be.  I'm going to my Spring Break as a survivor. I use to imagining myself as Rocky Balboa in his movies. He always looses some fights, but in the end he is the winner. Well, I feel I also can do it. ;)

My goals on PE was:

  • To speak Japanese properly, focusing on all intonations and rhythms.
  • To identify the long syllables and pronounce them correctly.
  • To identify double letters and pronounce them correctly.

Unfortunately, I'm not speaking Japanese as I would like to. I have some problems, especially in some free conversation.  I can identify the long syllables and double letters, but sometimes I cannot pronounce them correctly. I'm working on it. Shibata-sensei has helped me a lot. By the way, I do love to do "shadowing". It's such a very good tool in order to improve our pronunciation.

My goals on the whole course was:
  • To catch up with my classmates
  • To increase my vocabulary
  • To improve my listening 
I'm not sure if I've caught with my classmates, but I'm close to. (I hope!). Definitely, my vocabulary and listening has increased a lot. Of course I have to work more and more on it. I use to saying Japanese is a language that we have to study for all life long. 

For the next 6 weeks of course, I NEED to:

                Practice free conversation with my friends and classmates, focusing on all intonations and rhythms.
                Pronounce the long syllables and double letters correctly.
                Take more shadowing activities than I've taken.

How to reach my goals:
  • To study harder than I've been studying.
  • To talk to my Japanese friends
  • To go to Japanese Tables
  • To watch Japanese dramas and TV programs on Internet and read more mangas.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

つきじ Fish Market in Tokyo





Saturday, March 9, 2013

Tea Ceremony Class

昨日、さど(Tea Ceremony) をけぶつしました。たのしくて、おもしろくて、




Wednesday, March 6, 2013


His team won the Brain World Cup 2011!! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

カタカナ Analysis (Revised)


どうもありがとうfor your outstanding comments on my カタカナ Analysis. I had some very interesting feedback, so I'm adding some of new ideas.


Katakana (カタカナ)is a type of character in Japanese language generally used to represent foreign words and onomatopoeia. Also, katakana is a way to emphasize a word or a sentence. However, analyzing some katakana on mangas, I realized it can be used to convey few more information. 

Let's see some examples:

As you can see in that example from Dragon Ball manga, the word  ぼく(僕)is written in katakana (ボク).  In my opinion, ぼく is written in katakana in order to express a fragility/ naivety/ verdancy of the character, who is a child. In that case, katakana is also used to express character's throughts from his manner to "speak". It sounds as a student who just starts learning Japanese and want to introduce himself/herself. ワタシハ。。。デス。ドウゾヨロシクオネガイシマス。Instead of わたしは。。。です。どうぞよろしくおねがいします。

Let's see another example.
In that example the name りょうこ, which is clearly a Japanese name and not a foreign name, is written in katakana. It may have been written in katakana to inform to the readers that  リョウコ is  not a real name of the manga author. It's a pseudonym. Also it may be an attempt to turn a Japanese name in something different as a foreign name.

Also, foreign words are commonly used instead of Japanese words. Perhaps for a cultural or marketing perspective. One good example is the word キス (kiss) instead of せっぷん (kiss in Japanese). Is it cooler? 

Some more examples:

We have here two different words. One is バカボン. This word doesn't exist on a Japanese dictionary (at least I couldn't find it), but everyone in Japan knows the meaning (according to my Japanese friends). It's something like " very silly". Katakana was used, in this case, to express a "new" word, a neologism.

The other word is quite simple はりっけ, which means to crucifix. Katakana is used to emphasize this meaning. 

The last example:

Katakana can also be used to visually "stand out" among kanji or hiragana. As we can see on this poster of the famous movie 踊る大捜査線. Katakana and English words are highlighted to our reading. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013




