Tuesday, February 26, 2013





Tuesday, February 19, 2013


私は 玉那覇 ダイアネです. 私の家族は四人家族です。このしゃしんはちょっと古いです。母のなまえはテレザです。父のなまえはアラオルです。姉のなまえはソイラです。母は日系二世。父はブラジル人です

今、父はたいしょくしました。母は家ではたらきました。そうじをしました、せんたくをしました、りょうりをしました。むずかしかったですね。姉はしんりがくしゃ(psychologist)です. 私はジャーナリストです。私の家族はブラジルにすんでいます。



Friday, February 15, 2013

Japanese Book Sale!!!!

Japanese used book sale at Rider University will be held at Memorial Hall (3rd floor) this Sunday 2/17  from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.  All books will be sold by $1 each.

日時: 217日 (日曜日)
 12:00-14:20 生徒購入時間(下記参照)
 13:00-17:00 一般販売

会場:   Rider University, Memorial Hall, 駐車場側入り口
2083 Lawrenceville RoadLawrencevilleNJ 08648
  • 階図書室(一般向/中・高生向)、
  • 304号室(子供向(幼児〜小学生)、
  • 3階廊下(寄付の本、雑誌、ダビングビデオなど)
価格:  全品1ドル

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

カタカナ Analysis

Katakana (カタカナ)is a type of character in Japanese language generally used to represent foreign words and onomatopoeia. Also, katakana is a way to emphasize a word or a sentence. However, analyzing some katakana on mangas, I realized it can be used to conveyi   few more information. 

Let's see some examples:

As you can see in that example from Dragon Ball manga, the word  ぼく(僕)is written in katakana (ボク).  In my opinion, ぼく is written in katakana in order to express a fragility of the character, who is a child. Also, it is a way to convey the character's naivety.  In that case, katakana is used to express character's throughts from his manner to "speak".

Let's see another example.
In that example the name りょうこ, which is clearly a Japanese name and not a foreign name, is written in katakana. It may have been written in katakana to inform to the readers that  リョウコ is  not a real name of the manga author. It's a pseudonym. Also it may be an attempt to turn a Japanese name in something different as a foreign name.

Some more example:

We have here two different words. One is バカボン. This word doesn't exist on a Japanese dictionary (at least I couldn't find it), but everyone in Japan knows the meaning (according to my Japanese friends). It's something like " very silly". Katakana was used, in this case, to express a "new" word, a neologism.

The other word is quite simple はりっけ, which means to crucifix. Katakana is used to emphasize this meaning.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013




私もこのポエムを読みました。Click here to listen to it.


by 銀色夏生

わたしは おもいます
いつかきっと すばらしいことが おこると          
おもいもよらないことが おきて
わたしは しあわせになるでしょう 
わたしは しんじます 

Monday, February 11, 2013




Friday, February 8, 2013




Thursday, February 7, 2013

PE: Goal Statement

I didn't take Japanese 101, so this semester it will be my first time practicing "shadowing". しばた先生 has explained how it works and I loved this task! It's an amazing way to improve my pronunciation. By the way, I will try to do the same exercise to improve my English pronunciation as well!

My goals on PE:
  • Speak Japanese properly, focusing on all intonations and rhythms.
  • Identify the long syllables and pronounce them correctly.
  • Identify double letters and pronounce them correctly.

My goals on the whole course:
  • Catch up with my classmates
  • Increase my vocabulary
  • Improve my listening 

How to reach my goals:
  • Study, at least, 4 hours a day
  • Talk to my Japanese friends
  • Read more mangas in Japanese 
  • Watch Japanese dramas and TV programs on Internet.
  • Listen to Japanese songs

Wednesday, February 6, 2013




かわいい vs かわいそう

Today we learned how to make inferences based on direct observation using verb and adjective stems + そう. For example, if you want to say "This soup looks delicious" you have to say, このスープおいしそうです。You only add そうin the end of the word.

おいしい => おいしそう
からい => からそう
あつい => あつそう

Also, we learned we can't add そう in some adjectives, such as きれい、まるい, and others that there is no inference. After all, if something is round, it is round. It doesn't look round.

It reminds me a very funny story.

Long time ago, I was walking in a random street in Tokyo when I saw a mother carrying her child. I couldn't see the baby properly because he/she was covered by some clothes. でも、I'd like to be friendly and, of course, I'd like to practice my broken Japanese. So, I said, すみません、あなたのあかちゃんはかわいそうですね!

The mother didn't say any word and she had angry eyes. I couldn't understand why she was so furious! I only wanted to say her baby looked cute! Later, I told my friends about that "weird" reaction. They explained me I made a terrible mistake. Instead of say her baby was cute, I said her baby was poor!!

Then, I learned that かわいい is totally different than かわいそう。
Take care, みなさん! ;)

Monday, February 4, 2013


Hi everyone!!

I'm trying to study Japanese again. I know it's not an easy language (むずかしいですね!), but I will try. Many years ago, I studied Japanese in my hometown. By the way, ブラジルから来ました。I'm from a Brazilian state named Mato Grosso do Sul, which is close to Paraguay and Bolivia.  There is a huge Japanese community in my home state. My grandparents (my mother's parents) were from Okinawa (沖縄). My last name Tamanaha is very common in Okinawa. Tama(玉)means "ball, round" and Naha(那覇) is the capital of Okinawa. So, はじめまして。玉那覇 ダイアネ です。どうぞ よろしくおねいがいします!

My main goal is remind everything that I already studied in the past and also catch up with my classmates. I hope I can make it!  My friends say "がんばってください" and I will.