Wednesday, February 6, 2013

かわいい vs かわいそう

Today we learned how to make inferences based on direct observation using verb and adjective stems + そう. For example, if you want to say "This soup looks delicious" you have to say, このスープおいしそうです。You only add そうin the end of the word.

おいしい => おいしそう
からい => からそう
あつい => あつそう

Also, we learned we can't add そう in some adjectives, such as きれい、まるい, and others that there is no inference. After all, if something is round, it is round. It doesn't look round.

It reminds me a very funny story.

Long time ago, I was walking in a random street in Tokyo when I saw a mother carrying her child. I couldn't see the baby properly because he/she was covered by some clothes. でも、I'd like to be friendly and, of course, I'd like to practice my broken Japanese. So, I said, すみません、あなたのあかちゃんはかわいそうですね!

The mother didn't say any word and she had angry eyes. I couldn't understand why she was so furious! I only wanted to say her baby looked cute! Later, I told my friends about that "weird" reaction. They explained me I made a terrible mistake. Instead of say her baby was cute, I said her baby was poor!!

Then, I learned that かわいい is totally different than かわいそう。
Take care, みなさん! ;)

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